
Laser-based LIDAR system with parts from RJ Lasertechnik


RJ Lasertechnik GmbH was involved in the development of the LIDAR system as a partner of Fraunhofer ILT.

The Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology ILT, Aachen, has released a fascinating video demonstrating the impressive capabilities of a laser-based LIDAR system (Light Detection and Ranging System). This technology is used to collect data on the concentration of methane in the atmosphere, which can be used for accurate weather forecasts. RJ Lasertechnik GmbH was involved in the LIDAR project as an approved supplier with the delivery of components. 

RJ Lasertechnik manufactured parts especially for the LIDAR laser, which can be seen in the video (minute 1:12). This collaboration between the Fraunhofer ILT and RJ Lasertechnik goes back many years. The two company founders Jürgen Jannsen and Ralf Risters were research assistants in the field of solid-state lasers and material processing and founded the first spin-off from the Fraunhofer ILT in 1991.

Click here for the video:

Laser-based LIDAR system
Laser-based LIDAR system

RJ Lasertechnik GmbH was involved in the development of the LIDAR system.

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